Which city is called “Manchester of Japan”?

  • A. Aichi
  • B. Shiga
  • C. Tokyo
  • D. Osaka

Correct Answer: D. Osaka

Osaka is the capital of Osaka Prefecture and the third-largest city in Japan, with a population of 2.7 million. Osaka is a major Japanese textile center and highest producer of cotton in Japan. Manchester is a city in England that produces maximum cotton. So that’s why Osaka is called Manchester of Japan.

In which session of All India Muslim League the Lahore Resolution was passed?

  • A. 25th
  • B. 26th
  • C. 27th
  • D. None of these

Correct Answer: C. 27th

The first European who came to India “Vasco-da-Gama” belongs to which country?

  • A. Portugal
  • B. Germany
  • C. France
  • D. England

Correct Answer: A. Portugal

The Construction and working of different parts of human body was explained by Bu Ali Sina in his book?

  • A. Kitab-al-Shafa
  • B. Al-Qanoon-fil-Tib
  • C. Kitab-ul-Minazir
  • D. Al-kitab

Correct Answer: B. Al-Qanoon-fil-Tib

Bill & Melinda Gates foundation is working with Rotary International to eliminate:

  • A. Aids
  • B. Polio
  • C. TB
  • D. Cancer

Correct Answer: B. Polio

Rotary International is an international service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian service and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. Rotary International announced a partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that will inject a much-needed $200 million into the global campaign to eradicate polio.