The Founder of Mughal Empire is ______.
- A. Hamayun
- B. Akbar
- C. Shah Jahan
- D. Babur
Correct Answer: D. Babur
Correct Answer: D. Twelve Stars
Correct Answer: B. South America
The Llama is a domesticated South American camelid (Members of the camel family). llamas are Dependable, lovable, calm, and one of the few animals that Humans Can Safely Hug. Llamas can learn simple tasks after a few repetitions.
Correct Answer: B. Turkmenistan
Karakum Desert great sandy region in Central Asia. The Karakum Desert means Black Sand in Turkic languages. It occupies about 70 percent of the area of Turkmenistan.
Correct Answer: D. War in Afghanistan
Correct Answer: B. Robert H. Goddard
Correct Answer: B. Benjamin Franklin (1752)